Poor Chance is not getting his usual walks and tummy rubs....with both Terry and I incapacitated and of course Richard has gone to his winter home....luckily not too far from us...but he isn't around right now either.
It is certainly challenging my ability to remain positive and optimistic.....and i feel like i achieve it at times....but i only got about 3-4 hours sleep last night and today feel pretty low in energy and optimism!!! had physio this morning and took it easy...came home and slept for 2 hours!
Apart from the pain and discomfort, it is just so damn boring....and i keep thinking i'll try and do some painting, but of course that takes energy.....maybe this afternoon i'll just make myself noodle about abit with some water colour paints.
3 weeks in and still a long road ahead. some say 3-6 months before you really feel any great benefit....that seems like a long ways off right now.
Terry is up and about at least, so that's a small blessing, and he's eating!!!
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