Now we have everything

By Gembop

Hello, my name is

Phew, just got home (c.11:30pm) from my works' client-facing 10th birthday party.

Following our company 'do a couple of weeks ago, tonight was a thank you to the clients that made the last ten years possible. We held it in the office and had a series of rooms decked out in themes spanning the last 10 years.

As someone who runs a portfolio of clients for the business it was all work and no play. I had 11 clients show up in the end, all at around the same time (at 6pm when it started) from different organisations, and all wanting to be entertained, fed and watered.

The portfolio team did a fantastic job though. I knew it would be too much for me so I allocated every client 1 or 2 members from the team to client sit, i.e take them around the building/ into each room and generally show them a good time. I could then work my way around all of them.

I wore my low heels but after standing and walking for an hour I was soon in my flats. It was about 9:30 before I finally sat down and 10:30 when everyone headed to the bar across the road and I could call a cab.

My skin is still driving me crazy and I caught myself subconsciously scratching myself on quite a few occasions when taking to clients. Luckily they were getting too merry to notice :)

It's always funny watching people get drunk whilst you stay sober. We held wine tasting and the 10 year vintage champagnes, whites and reds were apparently far too nice to spit out! They did smell great, but despite a few assurances that 'one won't hurt' and 'imagine what the women do in France?!' I completely abstained. That's willpower given how shattering this week has been all round!'

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