Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

leacainn Walk

Another beautiful autumn day. very busy getting last minute details sorted for our holiday tomorrow. All those usual bits and pieces that always need done before you go as well as other things which cropped up and needed done urgently.
However I decided I had to have a break so headed for the hills to test the new "shap ups" I had been breaking in for the last month in and around the house. Happy to say they are really comfortable for rough up and downhill walking. So I won't have to pack my hiking boots.Less weight in the case !

I really enjoyed my long trek up the Leacainn Walk in the warm sunshine, so warm I had to take off my fleece! Got lots of blips looking over the loch and in the forest. I quite liked this one which I had taken on the way up the hill showing the winding track through the forest.

Not sure if I'll be able to blip for the next week, will try if I can. Will catch up whenever possible, if not when I get back. heading off shortly.
Bye for now, Mary

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