Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

No dinner

Another glorious day! -3°, sunny, blue skies, no wind. Perfect. Except that the rest of the country is covered in snow! Jealous. I didn’t venture out much. But we did get lots done. Well, JR did...

Kerri and Luke came to take Archie out. A nice crisp romp in the Meadows, with a hot drink at the other end. Archie is so lucky with his walkers. He loves them all, and gives them such a good welcome, I’m sure it's part of his appeal.

JR made some gingerbread schnauzers for Archie's walkers. I found a really good internet radio station with Christmas music - mostly the original versions, no modern rubbish - Archie and I spent the afternoon relaxing on the sofa.

Actually, I felt a bit woozy with occasional waves of nausea, for some reason, so it was a good excuse to sit and do nothing.

We were going out for dinner with Elizabeth, and popped down to her flat for a pre dinner drink. And what a lovely flat she has too. Archie was obviously very at home there.

We set off to walk round to the pub. But I suddenly came over all nauseous again. I really thought I was going to be sick, and so I thought it best to slink off home.

Very disappointing, as this dinner was postponed from last week. But it means I can see the final of I'm a Celebrity GMOOH, which actually makes me feel a bit nauseous too.

JR sent some photos. They're playing ping pong in the room behind.

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