Da Thaw

A fine calm day, still cold but the thaw has begun.  There's been sunny spells, and showers too.  Calm and clear skies tonight, but a hard frost is in the air.

A lazy morning to start the day, and puttered about the house.  After lunch, I headed down to mam's, and we headed out for a walk.  I've been to the galley shed for a bit in the afternoon, and then a house full for a cuppa after.  It's a quiet night by the fire, and catching those pesky mice!   Caught 3 so far, but I hate killing any animal!

The thaw has started as quick as the snow came.  Scalloway didn't get much, nor at mam's, but there was deeper snow in places.  I snapped this while we were out walking earlier, and not much snow about Longwell, or towards mam's, but plenty on the Ward of Bressay, and over the Ord cliffs.  Taken from Sooth Voxter, Cunningsburgh. 

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