Reikes small life...

By Reike

So windy!

The ugly side of winter visited today - so so windy! 

In the morning it was still fun before the wind got stronger and stronger. When I thought it would be best to drive to a meadow where Djeili can run wild and free, I opened the car door - and nearly lost it to the wind that came in a huge gust. Philipp and I had to work hard together to close it again. I decided to leave the car-driving be and do a little tour round the house, avoiding any trees close by!
So cold in our flat due to the draft in the old building, and we couldn't light a fire because of it, too. 

Now it is better and I do not need to sleep in the bath-tub with regular refills of hot water after all. I am certainly not looking forward to the risky car-drive into work with high winds predicted for tomorrow!  

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