Life, Universe & Not Much

By micro43

Unrelenting snow!

The snow hasn't been all that hard today, but it hasn't stopped. I measured this at about 8 inches (20cm for those who are metricated) at around middle day - it snowed again after that, but some of the snow started thawing.

I'd prepared myself (camera, lenses, shoes, jacket etc) to try to photograph the church first thing, but fortunately sanity prevailed - my health is not good, and I doubt whether I would have managed to get there, let alone get back, and I did not want to cause additional problems in these conditions for the ambulance service. But although I decided against going there, my friend Phil Griffiths DID manage it, and it is HIS photos of the church, the statue of Apollo with water still running in the cold conditions, the snow plough, and the post box and the ruins which are the extras. You really should join Blip yourself Phil, except that this will limit my options of subjects you so often provide for me! 

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