Shaggy 'Shroom

Larger shaggy 'shroom.

Although Bridget and I were busy talking as we took our Monday lunch-time walk into Bracondale wood, my eyes were peeled for possible blips to go back to on another day. As we left the Memorial Chapel ruins I spotted an interesting looking fungus near to the path and made a mental note. Today I went back to it. On closer inspection I found there are a ring of them around the base of a young Sycamore tree, and counted 16 - all young and emerging. I wasn't at all certain what they are, but took quite a few shots. On arriving home and uploading them, I checked in my main fungus identification book, and am almost certain they're actually Chlorophyllum rhacodes (aka "Lepiota rhacodes" or "Macrolepiota rhacodes" ) - the Shaggy Parasol Mushroom. The red 'bleeding' on the stem of this one makes it highly likely - apparently they're edible and VERY tasty! If my ID''s correct I'm delighted to have found them, as it's a first for me (though I wouldn't gather and eat them, they look so pretty as a ring .....)

I already know what I plan to blip tomorrow - some lovely fungi I found quite near to these ones, a colour I've not come across before. Watch this space!

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