Planko's Pics

By planko


The lovely Serap paid us a visit this morning with her Stepmothers dug pootchie who we found out is scared of the rain. As soon as it started, Pootchie was shivering under the table, poor wee thing. Was good to meet her IRL and hopefully we will have a blipmeet before we head back to cold Scotland.

We experienced our first Cyprus storm today. We've had thunderstorms before, but nothing like what we had from 5pm until about 8pm today.

Mrs P and I were having a snooze (living it up i know!) when the thunder and lightning woke us up at 4 ish. Sat out on the bedroom balcony watching the storm and lightning get closer and closer until the torrential rain started falling, blew the shutters off their hooks, soaked all the outdoor furniture and even started flooding through the bottom of the door and window frames as the rain was almost horizontal against the side of the house.

We had booked a table at a "Cyprus night" is Pissouri this evening, but with the ferocity of the storm weren't sure if it would go ahead as normally it's outside in the square and all the restaurants chip in for the entertainment. After a quick call to the owner who confirmed it was still on, we decided what the hell, we might as well, and headed off in the storm (getting absolutely soaked just walking from the villa to the taxi). Glad we did as just back from having a great night out.

We arrived at 7.30, the only people in the place and the owner was franticly calling people on the phone. I think he called in a few people he knew to make up the numbers as 30 minutes later a couple of Cypriots came in (who didn't seem to pay for their meals) followed by several other people who quickly filled up most of the place which helped create a good atmosphere.

The food was good and the entertainers tried their hardest, pulling Mrs P and PP up to take part and we left happy, stuffed, and it didn't cost as much as I thought it would. Thankyou Serap for the recommendation in your magazine, Vrakas Restaurant is a great little place.

I had several shots of todays rain, but decided to post this touristy shot of tonights entertainment.


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