Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ

Busy busy birthday

Goodness, I need a bit of a sit me down! School run times two, work, town for light shopping, work, school run time one, work, swimming lesson, drive to Marie's for Greg's birthday cake (that's him with the big ten year old grin), home, dinner, wrap Jay's presents, give Jay his presents (he always likes them the day before so he can have a birthday lie in, I disagree with this approach, but it is his birthday I suppose. Nearly), put Will to bed, now I can sit on the settee and just heckle Daisy into bed from here.....

In exciting news, Will swam a whole width with no float or putting his foot down. That has cost us a Lego x box game, which one now is now under bitter dispute as obv he wants the most expensive one!!

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