
By Farmerboab


One of those days when I should have stayed in bed !
More or less everything that could go wrong did . Started to mix slurry ready to pump into the storage tower as it is nearly up through the slats. Moved the cattle out to the yard , where they stood most of the day. The slurry too thick to mix so had to try and pump enough out to make room to add water. While rigging the water pump up in the burn found out the wellies have a leak !
After various other breakages and cock ups through out the day, was just about finishing up at 8pm when the steering ball end snapped on the big loader tractor. Luckily had a new one , so after eventually remembering where I had put it " in a safe place " years ago , and a lot of hammering the broken stub with a very big hammer , and a few special words of encouragement , I had the job done and in for tea by 10 pm. Then a lot of VAT and paperwork to sort out for the CA meeting in the morning. Roll on bed time ! At least the forecast wind and blizzards didn't get our length.

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