Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Why the long face?

Yes, this really is a good depiction of how I felt on the inside about going back to work after our lovely trip to Poland.

Saw Mr S today, we first met professionally about 25 years ago and he is now doing some work for us again. Change management stuff of course. We had a coffee and reminisced about the wheel of suffering that is the NHS - how things go in cycles and how little is really ever new.

Change does affect people. I feel slightly remote this time around, having been there so many times before. Psychologically distanced. My response to the experience of going around in circles ... I am more stressed at the thought of what we need to do between now and Christmas than I am about office deadlines.

My working day was actually okay (better than that of other members of my family who had a less than pleasant time), and I took a few minutes out late this afternoon to make some decent cookies. Even visited the health food shop in Guildford briefly and stocked up on vegan goodies.

Busy day again tomorrow. Then a weekend of DIY beckons ...

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