
By itiswhatitis

The last one

"Do you love anyone enough to give them your last rolo?"

I was absolutely delighted to find Rolos in the vending machine today =0)
Unfortunately (or fortunately for me) Mr itiswhatitis didn't share my enthusiasm and so the last rolo was subjected to it's very own photoshoot before being devoured by yours truly.

For this blip, my mini studio comprised of:

- 1 x Large sheet of white card
- 3 x Small lamps
- 1 x 5 Litre tin of paint (Dulux - Swedish white to be precise)
- 1 x breakfast bar stool
- 5 x ceiling spot lights
- A steady hand
- Patience

And then I had to edit it ever so slightly to brighten the white a little further and sharpen the image and tah dah!! lovely looking luscious rolo. Yum.

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