Trees and things
Cerddais i i'r gwaith eto, tra mae'r beic yn y 'siop'. Roedd syniad gyda fi - i dynnu ffotograffau o'r coed ar fy ffordd i'r gwaith, ond, nid dim ond coed, coed a phethau fel lampau stryd, adeiladau, ayyb. Dydw i ddim yn gwybod pam. Roedd jyst syniad. Wel mae'n ddiddorol i gael 'prosiect' oherwydd ei fod e'n gwneud i chi edrych ar bethau mewn ffordd wahanol. Sut mae coed yn berthynas i'r pethau o gwmpas nhw? Tynnais i bump ar hugain o ffotograffau a thaflais i nhw gyda'u gilydd i wneud llun. Wel, roedd fy mhrosiect o'r dydd.
Yn y noswaith aethon ni allan i ginio fel gwesteion o'r Cyngor Mwslimaidd Cymru ar eu cinio blynyddol yn y Neuadd y Ddinas. Gwnaethon ni mwynhau araith gan Mustafa Cerić, Cyn Mufti Bosnia-Herzegovina oedd siarad am gadw caredigrwydd yn ein calon. Roedd y cinio yn flasus iawn, ond doedd e ddim yn dda i'r diet. Un o'r problemau o rhyng-fydd mae'n debyg.
I walked to work again, while the bike is in the 'shop'. I had an idea - to take photographs of the trees on my way to work, but not just trees, trees and things like street lamps, buildings, etc. I do not know why. It was just an idea. Well it's interesting to have a 'project' because it makes you look at things differently. How are trees related to the things around them? I took twenty-five photos and I threw them together to make a picture. Well, that was my project for the day.
In the evening we went out to dinner as guests of the Muslim Council of Wales at their annual dinner at the City Hall. We enjoyed a speech by Mustafa Cerić, former Mufti of Bosnia-Herzegovina, who was talking about keeping kindness in our heart. The dinner was delicious, but it was not good for the diet. One of the problems of inter-faith, it seems
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