
I love a bit of personalized Christmas and when I saw this advertised online I just had to have one. Sadly the first one I ordered was made badly and the base had slipped so it was wonky and the snow was falling out, but the company made me another one and it arrived this morning just a week later. I love it.

My work was cancelled this morning. I was going to take advantage of a bit of time Christmas shopping but Mr W has just called to say he's on his way home from his shopping and he's stressing about the 2 presents he has to buy. I tried to tell him we won't bother with gifts for each other next year as I just can't stand the fuss he makes every single year but he won't have that either. So I'm changing my plans to fit in with him to help him feel better!!! Oh Ha Bum Hug.

Samuel Squidget is arriving tonight to stay for a few days (even though he's back in a few weeks time for Christmas but I'm not complaining there!!)


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