In Brief, for once...

By JaxI


This is what is happening to a beautiful old traditional Japanese house around the corner from me. In fact there are similar scenes all around the residential area I live in regularly these days. It makes me sad.
This housing estate was apparently the new vogue "in" place to live when it was started about 40 years ago. As a result most of the houses here are much larger than has been recently the trend in Japan. This one was veritably palatial. Huge, imposing and gorgeous like a castle in the middle of the next block, when I saw it was on sale I was dying to go in and check it out.
Unfortunately it stayed empty for months, as nobody wants to pay the exorbitant rates for the land in post bubble post tsunami
Japan, and the owners must have given in to the inevitable, for the other day this was scene that greeted me on my morning walk.
Watch this space. I can practically guarantee that in a few months, in place of this grand old edifice there will stand 3 characterless modern boxes made of ticky tacky, which will go to 3 young couples with a 1 year old child each. Bring on the next generation who don't talk to each other .

I know, I know. I've become the sad old git in the corner . I refuse to be old, but I am sad about this old house.

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