My Best Efforts - Year 3


Wish it was Mine............

....................saw this rather smart MG approaching and aimed my camera - rather to my surprise, the car screeched to a halt and stopped a few yards away. The unknown driver, who was wearing a rather fetching (!) woolly hat, promptly whipped it off, gave me a beaming smile, let me have a couple of shots and drove off at a great speed of knots. What a nice man! It is a shame that he didn't stay a bit longer as I would have liked to ask him for information re the actual model, age etc. but someone out there in Blipland will know.
Some years ago, I had an MG Midget which, at the time, I thought was the cat's whiskers - and I still have very fond memories of it! Have a good Blipday :-)

Weather cloudy and rather grey but looks as if it could brighten up.

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