Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

A touch of...


This is the only plant still flowering in my garden now. Its a sedum, and has some enormous flowers this year, but I've chosen to use a smaller one for the Breast Cancer Awareness Month More details at the above link started by Daff

Manic afternoon at work yesterday meant I stayed an extra hour and half to catch up on some work while it was quiet!

Day off today, but tons to do!!

Indian Butternut squash curry to trial in the slow cooker (just about to start)
Service to prep for Sunday
Coursework to do for Saturday
Interview preparation
Phonecall to make to the damn stupid Tax Credit people who are again chasing me for money I don't have....can't they leave me alone~I will pay them when I can afford it! Bet they don't have to try and live on £500 a month!!!!!

Nuff said!

I'll catch up with your blips later, please be patient~I'm on holiday (at home as I can't afford to go away) next week :):)

Have a great day blipppers :)

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