Down (Day 941)

It has been a dreich day. The morning wander up the hill (which was done in daylight) was damp.
Back at home, there was a morning of doing not much whilst my beautiful wife zoomed across for a visit to Coldomo. When she returned, we loaded the old, decrepit cooker into the van and took it to the dump. It has served us well and we have cooked fabulous dinners and baked great cakes with it, but it really was past its best.
After lunch we sploshed round Wasdale, and although it didn't rain on us, we were accompanied by a cold wind which threatened to bring rain.
Once HV had headed off to work, I contemplated what I would blip and settled on another feather from the jar.
My finger is still throbbing, but it isn't as bad as yesterday. Tomorrow morning I get another check up.

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