
By TBay


But what a flower! This Amaryllis is absolutely super! My dear sister in law gave to me a few weeks ago and how it has grown. A lovely addition for Christmas along with my revamped basket. Now I am not totally sure about glitter covered plants but I threw caution to the wind and purchased two to just perk up the basket. I think it has done the trick but could be construed as rather tacky!! Oh well never mind!

Farming - Just two on compost again to day. One of the John Deere’s was serviced and a bit of yard work was done.

Mr Tbay away at a FCN meeting until late afternoon so I cracked on with the VAT which I have almost finished. We are currently amusing little Miss whilst Mrs Tbay Jnr and Harry are at Water babies. Mr Tbay is watching Peppa Pig with Little Miss. Bless!!

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