
By Chrismate

Spiritual Symbols

This roof corner decorative spire - recently renovated - belongs to a square-shaped structure known as Loha Prasart or Metal Castle.
On the triangular shapes, one may recognize the Hamsa bird at the top and the two figurative Naga-serpents slithering down the edges. 
The central spire has another symbolic significance, being a representation of the value of number five.
In the symbolism of numerology, number 5 holds a special place in the East. It is a representation of Man on the Earth. It stands for the physical body: Man is made of five members (2 legs, 2 arms and 1 head), has five toes and five fingers and above all has five senses.
In the East, there exists five elements, earth being the last. All this accounts why Hinduism and Buddhism have used it in their search for spirituality because the earth body is also a slave to the five senses. Transcending this reality helps us to know, to do and to experience in order to elevate the spirit.

Symbolically, these five levels are a base to elevate spirituality. The decoration becomes a sort of pyramid that represents Mount Meru the earthly axis joining the Earth to the Sky, home of the eternal spirituality.
This is one of the 37 spires of Loha Prasat symbolizing the 37 virtues required to reach Enlightment.

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