Let There Be Light

By solli


I am sweet
An orange treat
Give me something good to eat.

This is The Missus, wife of His Royal Redship. For those who may not know, I have two mated cardinals who have been with me for a year. The Missus has giving me hell for neglecting the feeders; the other day she followed me to the car which was surprising in that it's usually her husband's job to track me down the driveway. She's a good mother to her two boys and a good wifie to his Redship so I hurried back to make them all breakfast.

I spent the latter part of the afternoon with my sis trying to identify one particular bird at her feeder who flew in and out so quickly among the chickadees and titmice that it was near impossible to get a good look at it's markings. I took some snaps through her screened window and we were able to check her Audubon Field Guide book, tomorrow we'll ask the facility's supervisor if we can temporarily remove the screen so we can get a nice clear shot of the white-breasted nuthatch. He's a swift and agile little darling and once again I am smitten. Just completely in love.

Thank you all for sending yesterday's Cada~Pillar to the spotlight page with your hearts, stars and comments! Much appreciated! xo

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