Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Mono Monday Challenge: SciFi/Fantasy

A lot of people my age will remember Captain W.E Johns as the author who created flying ace 'Biggles'. I suspect few will know that he also wrote other genres including Science Fiction, and this book from my childhood was one of my favourites.

The story is based around Rex Clinton who is flying through space to revisit old friends on Mars when he spots something out of the observation window. Thinking it could be a rocket or capsule which could be a danger to other space craft he manoeuvres his craft towards it only to discover that it is.....? OK; you're one step ahead of me; you've guessed already. Yes, it was the body of a Highland Gamekeeper, complete with kilt and deer-stalker. Of course, there is a logical explanation which leads to a new adventure out of the solar system into the fourth region of the planet Mintona.

I won't tell you the ending for two reasons. Firstly, you may wish to read it yourself and I wouldn't want to spoil it for you. Secondly, it's probably over 50 years since I read it so quite frankly, I can't remember. However, it might go by the side of the bed before I put it away again though!

For the Mono Monday challenge from new host si_b.

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