Saturday lunch at the Bistro

The Brook Bistro yw un o'n hoff leoedd i fwyta bore Sadwrn.  Dych chi'n gallu cael bwyd blasus iawn yma o fwydlen amrywiaeth a diddorol.  Mae'r staff yn wastad gwrtais a chymwynasgar.  Heddiw cawson ni cawl pannas wedi'u rhostio i ddechrau yn dilyn gan bastai cyw iâr a chorizo.  Roedd cinio da iawn.  Dw i'n hoffi'r ffordd y rheolwr yn wastad agor y drws pan ddych chi'n gadael y bwyty.  Mae'n teimlo fel maen nhw'n gofalu am eu cwsmeriaid am y profiad llawn.

The Brook Bistro is one of our favourite places to eat on a Saturday morning. You can have very delicious food from a varietd and interesting menu. The staff are always courteous and helpful. Today we first had roasted parsnip soup followed by chicken and chorizo pie .It was a very good lunch. I like the way the manager is always opens the door when you leave the restaurant. It feels like they look after their customers for the full experience.

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