The Axeman cometh
(Right up front I'm going to apologise for stealing that line from someone - can't remember who - at brunch this morning. Sorry - but my brain is broken, and it's all I have.)
Very long day. The winter forecast meant we were up extra early for the drive to the airport, justifiably so given the whiteness of the garden! Happily the roads were not too bad. So, car, plane, train, other train and bus and we were finally at the flat.
With Mr B suffering from a migraine, plans to spend the day in town were shelved in favour of just chilling at home. Mr B headed off later for setting up at the venue, and we moseyed in later to join him. Then, in order to make sure I spent more than half of my 36 hours away from home on transport, back out West to deliver CarbBoy to his sleepover location, eat, inspect the works at his hosts' house, and off back into town for the gig.
Much fun, as always, with the highlight for Mr B being that he got to play on a proper piano (on the right here, though you can't see him as he's round the back playing an organ at this point).
Lots of chat and a bit of dancing, then back to the sleepover location to chat more and work a bit more seriously on our hangovers.
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