It’s the First Sunday of Advent today, so it was good to see that we had a beautiful Advent wreath, complete with candles, when we first walked into Church this morning;  our friend, Karen, always used to make this, but since she died, her husband, Keith, has taken over and I have to say he always does a fantastic job.  

Keith told me that having got some tips from a couple of flower arrangers at Christ Church, our local Parish Church, he had also put some lavender and rosemary in the actual wreath, but that you could only smell these if you put your nose right in - but as he said “Be careful of the holly if you try it!”

I slept well and as Mr. HCB and I had been asked to help with the distribution of Communion - and as a Baptist Church we can do this - I was determined to be there this morning.  I think I got the balance of painkillers right yesterday and was feeling much better, especially after a good night’s sleep. 

I took a photograph of the flowers on the way into the Community Centre, and the hearts fitted in very well with the theme of the service, led by Rachel.  However, just before we started, Nathan told me that he had his special Christmas jumper on, so took off his jacket and proceeded to show me.  He asked if I wanted to see it lit up, and of course, I told him I would love to so I got him to stand in front of the candles and took a photograph.  He has a very infectious giggle and stood there proudly, so before we knew it, we were both giggling - and in case you should wonder, God is happy for us to laugh in Church!

After the Communion Service, Rachel gave us all a heart - much bigger than the ones I give out - with a verse on it for us to remember, and take as God’s word to us on this First Sunday in Advent.  Mine was particularly good as not only is the heart my favourite colour, but it reminds me that I am very special to God.

Frank preached a very good sermon - both Mr. HCB and I thought that it was the best one he had preached so far, so we told him afterwards - a little encouragement goes a long way!

As Nathan had brought his housemate, Nick, to church, for the first time, it seemed like a good idea to get a photograph of them to complete the collage - what lovely smiling faces - and of course, it gave Nathan another excuse to set the lights twinkling on his Christmas jumper.

The candle of Hope was lit this morning, so what are we waiting for?  

“A prison cell, in which one waits, hopes… 
     and is completely dependent on the fact 
          that the door of freedom 
               has to be opened from the outside, 
                    is not a bad picture of Advent.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer 
(Pastor, Theologian, 1906-1945)

P.S.  Thank you for all your kind comments and good wishes yesterday - what a wonderful community this is - I do feel much better today.

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