spin the egg
Tonight, in a bid to cheer up moody pants Eve, we devised an exciting new game - SPIN THE EGG. It involves spinning an out of date Easter egg and seeing who it ends up pointing at and then cheering wildly whatever the result. Have you ever heard of a more thrilling, suspense-filled dramarama of a game? Thought not.
Please note the genuine delight on Mr B's face and the total indifference of the elf.
Today was supposed to be a ru blip but I got distracted by iMum and returned home blipless. Boo hiss.
EDIT: Mr B feels I have misrepresented Spin the Egg...... so, for transparency sake - Eve was mesmerised for quite some time before reaching a point of indifference and the game was slightly more complicated than it may appear. It actually involved referring to the egg as "the egg of truth" and asking it enthralling questions such as "who is the best at being Eve?" prior to spinning. I sincerely hope Mr B is satisfied with this full and frank disclosure.
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