
By Fm1976

1 year on

How does a year go by so quickly today is Sophia's 1st birthday and being my third child our house is pretty busy... But still 12 whole months have gone by in a blink of an eye. I've dreaded this birthday it's the moment in my eyes they are no longer a baby and I'm a big fan of the baby stage! As a youngster we wish the time away and count down the months and days to birthdays and then somewhere along the way we suddenly want to claw back the years and get time to slow down it's strange how so many things in life do such funny turns!
Sophia is such a happy, smiley and determined little girl who adores playing with her siblings and she clearly has a huge soft spot for daddy too and our bond is as a mother and daughters should be - unbreakable.
I wonder what she will be like in another 12 months walking and running and she will talk and I can finally hear what her voice will sound like - a part I've imagined with all my children!
Sophia you are a perfect fit in our family and you have brought love and happiness to all our lives we are so lucky to have such a wonderful family!
I am blessed to be apart of this family and always try to live each day to the full and make sure no matter what that my children and partner know how much I love them and how they make me complete!
Happy Birthday Sophia xxxx

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