Christmas Parade #2

With the temperature at 52F, another big crowd came out for our annual Jinglefest. A 5K running race, a lame live nativity (they used a pop-up awning instead of a stable), free wagon rides, ice carvings that struggled with the "heat", free photo booths, Christmas floats, and another appearance my Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus.

That is our D-I-L Heather (in the red sweater) in the upper left...finishing the race with her antlered friend Lisa. After watching the race, Merrick decided he could run the 3.1 mile race. "I'm pretty fast", he said. HA!

Since we got there real early, we had front row seats...right on the curb. It should have been a prime spot for the candy hand-outs...but...just like the nativity scene...the candy handouts were lame. (Do the boy scouts and girl scouts really think we just want to see them walking by us?) C'MON, BUY THOSE BAGS OF CANDY AND WING 'EM AT THE KIDS!

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