
By RobinBanneville

Big Mistake

I think the biggest mistake I made on Friday, was to bother getting out of bed to greet the sunrise.
At first I decided to go for a walk. I dressed up all nice and warm, camera over my shoulder, got about fifty yards and it started to rain.
"Sod this," I thought. So I went back home to fetch my van keys.
I got as far as L'Ancresse and there was still no real sign of the sun.
So I decided to try Chouet instead. But still no joy.
"I know what," I thought to myself, "I'll see if there are any good waves at Jaonneuse Bay behind the golf clubs. If there are, then they might take good pictures."
So I drove over the hill and at Mont Cuet and back down towards the small bay.
It was cold, windy, wet and cold (bloney cold, in fact).
At the entrance to bay, blown by the wind, there was a drift of sand which stretched across the road. I drove over the sand drift without any real problem and parked the van on the small space looking over the beach.
I managed to get out the van and quickly take a couple of pictures, but it was way too windy, so I had a different idea.
If I were to drive to an adjacent car park, then I could take a couple of shots out the side window instead.
It meant driving over the sand drift again, but I was okay the first time, so I should be okay a second time.
The sand drift varied in depth ... (so I found out too late)
Twenty minutes later, after a lot of wheel spinning, trying to shovel sand out the way of the vans wheels (with my bare hands) and a lot of swearing, I eventually slipped and slid unceremoniously away from the sand drift
As I said, I'd have been better off having a lie-in.

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