Oh My Days!

By lovelupins17

What does it mean?

Another enjoyable lesson this week for Emma Davies flower photography course, with the subject of 'still life'.  She explained so much about it and I had really no idea that a still life painting or photo should tell a story, rather than just be a collection of objects. 
Much fun was had rummaging in my drawers and antique shops.  And the thought process to this image is that the pearls lead you into frame towards the 'hero/main' flower and then your eyes should follow through to the sherry and dying rose.  But what does it all mean hey???  I know... coz I did it..... I may have gone mad however or be quite lost in art! 

(PS, I even bought a bottle of sherry for this lesson...... now I need to make some sherry and mushroom soup if anyone has a yummy recipe?)

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