Nice Surprise #2

'N' is for Nice! Hiehiehie

Anrieke, our Gr2 techer, invited me to peep into her class before I left school yesterday! This is the NICEST surprise ever! The Gr2's made me 'Get Well Soon' Cards!! Is this not absolutely adorable!? Wish you could read each and every one, AND see their front pages as well as the back pages! They are sooooo special and precious! I will nurture this for ever!!

Thank you my dear, dear Gr 2's and you too, Anrieke! THIS is the reason why I LUV THE SCHOOL!!

Please do look at this in LARGE, you can actually read what they wrote! So special!!

I feel quite good apart from the fact that I am not as strong as I used to be, but that is apparently normal under circumstances, and the ribs and joints are still sore, but that is also a normal reaction on chemo and I can handle anything as long as I know why it is there! Thanks to all of your positive thoughts and prayers!


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