Nothing you Haven’t Seen Before

I don’t like cooking. There, I’ve said it - the confession of a lady who is expected to embrace making meals and be suitably happy when they are enjoyed. My menu repertoire could be written on 2 sides of a sheet of A4 paper. I am known to switch off the TV if I have to watch any of the current the rash of television programmes on gourmet chefs and the preparation of gourmet meals. Nigella does nothing for me at all.

My lame excuse for this character failing is that my informative years coincided with food rationing. I might possibly rustle up a mean plate of mince and tatties with turnip or carrots, followed by stewed rhubarb and custard ( Bird’s Eye, not the proper gourmet version), but anything more complicated using about 20 ingredients, none of which is in my store cupboard, Is too much, and I am not inclined to learn.

That is not to say that I don’t enjoy eating other people’s wonderfully amazing food, but that is so selfish, that I feel guilty just saying it.

However when good friends are invited for lunch, I pull out all the stops and try hard.
This blip is of my fail safe lunch menu- salmon and green bean bake with cherry tomatoes and olives - thank you Jamie Oliver. It was preceded by soup which I do like making- curried squash and apple if you are interested.
Apart from forgetting the lemon wedges for the salmon, all went well, but really for me it was all about the company and as usual with these cycling friends, we had a lovely get together. Come again soon, Neil and Norma, and I can make mince and potatoes with carrots and cabbage next time!

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