
Beautiful hard hoar frost on the allotment - just beautiful! I scrunched my way around the allotment taking photographs and admiring how sculptural and still everything looked in their coating of white. This was after breaking the ice on the water bowls and feeding the girls of course!
Home to shower and await a message from Vegan Jo as to when she was coming over to me - her mum had  a 6 hour Whipple operation  the previous day and Jo was seeing her dad to see how he was. Mum completely out of it so they will see her tomorrow. It was Jo's birthday today so once she had seen her dad we headed over to Cotehele for lunch - celeriac and truffle soup and some lovely brown seeded bread! I had two occassions when I was near to bolting home - but I overcame the urge as knew it would be a step back in my healing. Luckily Jo had lots to talk about re details about her last job - she is waiting for her police check to come through before she can start her next one. Her ex-manager sounds exactly like my past one - if not worse! She is well out of it but such a shame as it was her dream job. The only plus is that as they may have to move to lower the mortgage, she may come back to Calstock to live - that would make us both very happy! She is one of my closest friends, possibly my best friend! 
As I had another appointment for more blood to be drawn we headed home about 3. Well we could have stayed longer as it turns out! Nurse called me in and said she could only take one sample and the other would have to be taken the next morning! Both  could only  be sent  in the morning now and the coagulation  overnight would make one of the testings void!  So I opted to have both samples drawn the next day! At least I got the next set of xmas packages off at the Post Office - I swear some cost more in postage than they did in cost!! But it feels good to have all the gift giving sorted - now I can relax and enjoy the festive activities in the lead up to  xmas!

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