
Both my two like to read. This youngest one is now onto the next level ie Chapter Books, that's a big leap for any girl. Dunno, but whenever I see them sitting around the house with their books I'm always reminded of a certain Bill Hicks routine - "Looks like we got ourselves a reader!"

Books, learning, all that - went to a movie last night with jaybroek and it painted a very different picture of the whole college experience. It was far leafier than ether Salford or Sheffield that's for sure, and a lot less grainy and grey in general. It wasn't actually all that good either, the movie that is, not the education on offer.

Right, bit of music and then I'm outta here. The film dealt with 'scholarship', and it also dealt with 'romance'. Is there a song that links the two somewhere kicking around this ol' internet of ours?

NOTE: The title is in no way a reference to the film of the same name, you know, the one with Kate Winslet that won her an Oscar. Soz Kate, I like you in lots of things (including Revolutionary Road from the same year that you were amazing in, absolutely bloody amazing. That's the film you should have won the Oscar for, not that dreary nonsense with Ralph Fiennes). Rant over, but I hated that film, I really did.

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