When I wake Up, In the Morning Light

I took a leisurely drive to work today.   You really have to take time to smell the roses, and look at the pretty things. 

I love this silhouette on the horizon as I drive toward the office. 

I worked as a waitress in this hotel, for this, indeedy is a hotel, with splendiferous views over the town, I was really bad.   I was a waitress with bad form before, but I was truly awful here. 

I once dripped scalding oil from a salver down a woman's beautiful silk dress, but I helped her in the loo, by squirting fairy liquid all over it.   She wasn't impressed 

I handed my notice in, I knew my limits.  The boss said, "but actually the customers like you... just stay.", but you know, when there's competent staff carrying a lunatic who can't carry two plates at one, it's not the best working environment, so I took my leave. 

Jesus, but I was really. really bad. 

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