A Book at Bedtime

.......or rather, many books at bedtime.
This is a new pile spilling over the floor at my beside. One was a birthday present from HL, one was passed on to me by a friend, one is prescribed reading for the next book group and two are purely personal choice. You may or may not feel the need to guess which is which, but there are no prizes on offer.

With the coupon for a free cake and coffee at John Lewis still burning a hole in my pocket, His Lordship and I strode into town this morning to partake of the offer. There is a degree of pacing ourselves with these freebies as we have yet another birthday offer of afternoon tea for two at M&S to be used before the end of the year.

It was so cold even with the sun in full swing. It felt like -5° and even now at 1pm, my phone tells me it feels like -3°, but on the positive side, our trajectory missed out all the tacky Christmas markets except for the St Andrew Square ice rink.

How I wish that some of the money generated for the council by having 6 weeks of festive shenanigans over swathes of Central Edinburgh, was dropped into the potholes peppering our streets instead of paying off the tram fiasco or other followers

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