Eye care

Ulfur at his eye specialist today.
We had some disappointing news, his eye sight has gotten worse again :(
Somehow I was not expecting his sight to have changed this much since last year and I have to admit I had a bit of a shock. And in my mind all kinds of crazy thoughts about blindness or that sort just crept in.
But we dont know why his sight is changing and now I´m just going to focus on the good things. He can use glasses and while they stay put on his face he can see very well :) And it can reverse the doctor told me, he is still growing and sometimes it starts to get better :) So fingers crossed and he has another appointment booked soon and then he´ll get some new prescriptions glasses.
He got to go to the mall with me - but didn´t really see a thing with all these strange drops in his eyes - and choose a DVD because he did so well :)


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