twinned with trumpton


An office day; oh the unbridled joy.

It really was a struggle to get out of bed; perhaps I should have had a toddy for breakfast instead of a nighcap? 

Anyway, nothing happened at work in the morning; I listened to Curtis Mayfield, met her for a coffee, and then went onto Rufus Wainwright's back catalogue.

Lunchtime saw a lap of the 'hood, and there then followed an afternoon of not much again. I did plenty bit none of it is noteworthy. 

At 10 after 5, I had had enough and off to hers for spag bol. We had a quiet evening; the threat of the school / homework letter still casting a shadow over proceedings; long may it continue. 

And home by 10. At speed. It was a fun way to burn off the frustration of an office day.

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