Morning Mist

It isn't even 9am and it's been an eventful morning.

Woke to a gorgeous morning so headed out in my PJs at 645am to some fields and got an early morning shot.

Simon woke me at 4am with a bad back - god only knows how he did it. He thinks he sneezed and pulled a muscle??? Anyway, he can't bend down and is walking like he has pooped his pants so I went on the dog walk to pick up poo and do the leads See, I have my uses!. Home to find a wee all over the Mac lap top. It wasn't me or Si so it must be one of the boys but neither is looking suitably guilty enough. Fingers crossed the lap top seems fine.....but I am backing up all the stuff just in case!

Busy day ahead - I will need that yoga class tonight to chill me out :)

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