Tarawera Times

By Megl

Rengarenga lily

The NZ native Rengarenga Lily is making a real show in the garden at the moment, after managing to "get" some little plants several years ago from a large patch I found. They have done so well, creating large bushes and I really love them.
Up early this morning as a busy day and popped out with my camera and grabbed a few shots which I though would be my contribution to Tiny Tuesday "Y" theme....well they do have some yellow on their stamens!
Also thought I would share the current colour of the house before the painters do a bit of a make over, will share the finished product in a few weeks! (Curtains still down in the bedroom as the lad was still sleeping!)
Another day has passed very quickly, sorting out colours with the painters, trip to town for a hair cut, lots of visitors and a session weeding in the potato patch with my fellow "share cropper" Ange. Very weary tonight, and another day with few comments but appreciate so many visits and stars.

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