Wearing purple...

By 60plus10


...for MonoMonday today, and there is a tenuous link with yesterday's blip too ;)
My dad was in the navy in the war, and when his ship was sunk the rescued crew were landed on the Tyne. He'd lost all his gear, and was apparently in trousers way too short for him... but nevertheless he went out dancing and met my mum, though he was partnered with her friend at first! He soon swapped, and the rest, as they say, was history! They did a mean foxtrot... The two rings at the top are the new ones they bought for each other on their Golden Wedding - my dad's original signet ring was virtually worn through, and my mum's wedding ring was a wartime austerity curtain ring style ;)
The locket below belonged to Roy's mum, and the pictures are of her and Roy's dad. They also met during the war, on an airforce base in Northern Ireland. MiL was one of those ladies you see in old films, pushing markers around the boards, and FiL was a spotter in the RAF. He ended up in the ops room when he injured his foot - another lucky disaster, eh? They made it to their Diamond Wedding celebrations.
How's that for old fashioned romance?? 

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