Out And About

It was surprising how quickly the light levels increased this morning and there wasn't a cloud in the sky by the time PD and I got home from our walk.

On the walk my eye was caught by a couple of white blobs which turned out to be a couple of Shaggy Inkcaps. 
I took two shots - one with flash and the other without. I have no idea which actually looks better.

It was out weekly visit to the Mother-In-Law.
She doing remarkably well at the moment but I can't help feeling things might suddenly change.
We dropped her off at the The Centre so she could go and get her new glasses an we went off and did a bit of shopping before heading home for lunch.

By the time we went out for the lunchtime walk the layers of cloud were building up and the light had gone completely flat.

There was the usual shuttling about of grandkids  after school and we then had The Cygnet for diner ...... savoury mince and mashed tatties followed by apple pie, custard and cream. He was a happy chap. But he has asked for steamed ginger salmon with rainbow salsa for next week!
Talk about specific ..... not to mention fussy!.

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