Bottom of the league
In search of a lazier day Team IttH headed into Kendal and a trip to the cinema. The plan had been to combine an earlier start with a coffee meeting with a young instructor who wants to do some work with me next year. He failed to show, not an auspicious start (he did message me later).
I always want to like the Brewery Arts Centre more than I ever do. It should be fabulous, but it rarely lifts it's game above passable. Writing this a day later I've already forgotten what we had for lunch, but do remember the service that just managed to stay the civil side of outright rude.
The movie, Justice League, was poor. As ever they tried to cram in too much nonsensical action, rather than letting the characters develop and shine. The actor playing Superman was so wooden that I actually thought he was CGI. Was so surprised to see his name in the acting credits I looked it up, and he really was in it!
The best part of the Brewery was this exhibition, and really there are only a couple of good pieces, but the rest seem very derivative, an artist seeking to create a collection rather than having the works to do so.
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