wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

Isle of Dogs

How much fun have you had with the IOS 6 panorama settings? We had lots.

Sure, we went to Greenwich and saw all the things you're supposed to see there. It was great! The weather was beautiful, the company was lovely (Claire, travelling around, and Mez, working in London, plus assorted other people over the course of the day). We wandered and looked and photographed and ooohed and ahhed, and then walked under the Thames. I'd been told (by Mum) that I really MUST do this, so we found the entrance and walked through the tunnel. I think I enjoyed it the most... :D

When we came out the other side we ended up at Island Garden and started to have some fun with panoramas. I could pretty much hear all the people around us thinking "crazy Aussies" while also watching and laughing. I have a collection of these photos, some where we have five bodies and two legs, others just a collection of limbs floating in the air. Some are a little more dignified - pretty scenery bookended with the same people. But this was our first experimental one, so it gets to be featured today. Check it out in large!

We ended up at The Mayflower, an old pub in Rotherhithe, with blankets and hot water bottles because it was just that little bit chilly. After dinner I headed back to the train station (not helped by the 5 different line closures) and back to Norwich.

My day started at 5:30am and ended at 12:30am, but it was worth all the rail replacement buses, crazy tube routes, and strange people on late night trains (after all, I too have always wondered "why her eyebrows don't match her hair" and am also of the opinion that rural India is all just "foggy mountains where you get up in the morning and pick your own tea leaves".)

Thanks girls, it was great!

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