Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


Up early this morning to do 4 hours of Aptis online testing as I wanted it done and dusted for Carlos and his brother arriving at mid-day to fix up our fallen tree on the patio. In fact, in typical Spanish style (Bolivian in their case) they didn't arrive till 1.30pm. However, we can't complain as it IS Saturday and they responded to our plea to get it up as soon as possible.

A late lunch with Philippa in René restaurant (Consell de Cent between Bruc and Girona for our own records). We met at 3.30 and before we knew it, it was10.30. We put the world to rights and there were lots of laughs and a few tears. Lots of photos were taken, but I liked this one. Thanks to Bb for taking the shot.

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