Lala's Journal

By Lala

Lovely but freezzzzzzzing

A lovely day today and I had to find a bank to pay in the Children in Need money. On the form, it said ‘ways to pay’ no. 1fill in slip and take to bank. Would you ever believe i was not able do that.
Bank no. 1 in my village - closed on Saturdays.
Bank no 2 (after travelling 25 minutes to Hythe - sorry, it has to be a girobank. You need the Post Office at the other end of the high st.
Post Office - sorry we are not a bank! You need an HSBC and no, there is not one in Hythe. Nearest one is Folkestone!

In the end the Post Office lady took pity on me and found a way round by adding it to their collections and still being able to give me the receipt that it was paid in.

Sometimes it seems that the cleverer we get with technology etc, the harder normal things become. I want to buy my son some vouchers for his favourite restaurant for Christmas, and I can’t! I can’t pay over the phone or online, the only way I can buy the vouchers is to go to the restaurant. A three hour round trip! Madness.

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