Return to the North

By Viking

Lone tree

Fruitful day today. 
Many moons ago (probably somewhere around 2001/2 I bought  black VW Golf, who I named Gordon. In 2005 I sold it to my sister and I bought a new one. Then in 2006 I scampered off to NZ for 10 years.
When I came bak in 2016 sis was ready to retire Gordon for a newer model Astra but I took him back and cherished him again (he is currently sitting at 213,000 miles!) 
Today we part exchanged him for a newer model. 
I do a lot of miles in my new job and while Gordon is fab I do tend to worry that it is too much for him at his time of life. So hopefully he will go to a good retirement home somewhere and will understand why I have moved on to a younger, friskier model :-)
Have to say it genuinely was quite sentimental. I had wanted a Golf since being a little kid (collected Matchbox versions of them in light of the fact that I never had any money to buy a real one) and so when I finally got the money together there was no question that I was buying a Golf. He was my  pride and joy and then my sister's too. 
This is the view from the top road - liked the lone tree in the distance

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