Crop for all grain?
Or, as my Grandmother would have said:-
"Some folk'll lend their bellies till owt."
3-4 times now I've shopped and FORGOTTEN to buy some batteries.
I suppose, truth be told, I didn't actually need to shop today - BUT - I'm still having to force myself out of the house with a Crow-bar and shopping is as good a reason as any I suppose.
I, therefore, armed myself with a list of things I will use, but didn't need just YET, in order to justify the trip and was almost finished when a still small voice whispered BATTERIES!!!
From where I was, to the "batterery" took me past crisps, etc.
Needless to say, when you're as warped as me, a name like "Off the eaten path" kinda leaps out and gives the humerus a warm cuddle.
Got to try them.
(Aside - colour's are a bit "off", they're actually kinda pale REDish, WHITEish and GREENish)
Considering the entire pack packs 1/2 a kilo-calorie, dietarily squeaking, I'm having to ration myself quite severely.
They seem to be health conscious to the extent that they are actually using KCl alongside the customary NaCl.
"Lo-salt nibbles"?
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