The rest of forever...

By DrMac


Last weekend Pippa got hacked off with Amber and showed her the rough side of her teeth and paws. I was away so Paul let them get on with scars, a few tears, but normal service resumed afterwards.

Since I’ve been home alone with the girls, we have had to find our sense of balance. Amber is bouncy and loving, eager to please and follows me like a shadow. Lottie and Pippa are quietly jealous, staying in the background but starting to show signs of jealousy. So every day, every time I am with them, I make sure all three get love, to be honest, it’s knackering, and if anyone heard me talking to them they would lock me up! But the result is that I have three happy hounds, endless licks (Amber is obsessed with washing me, especially after a gym session!), and the three of them are happily cohabiting.

Every time I appear we have a bed change...Amber will share with whoever gets in her crate, unless both Lottie and Pippa get in! There are no grumbles, everyone plays nicely, but if Amber gets too cheeky then the girls resort to a flash of the teeth...that normally shuts her up!

Tonight I sat on the sofa and they decided it wasn play time. Amber and Pippa have lots of similarities, including enjoying headstands and making random play barking noises. So the two of them lay on the floor and messed about - here they are at the end of their playtime, paws touching, Amber just checking she has permission to be so close to Pip!

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